L3 Challenge Day 4: Do something for yourself


#Challenge4: Do something for yourself and turn it into a ritual

1-#JustForToday: Visualize the person you want to be.
If you are still having trouble doing this, I know I am, try thinking of all the individuals whom have inspired you so far. What about them inspire you towards this person you know, or at least your subconscious knows, is inside? That person who has done, said or dared things you have only thought of and have always wanted to explore. The friend that stood their ground or the performer that killed it on stage. Our feelings, intuition, is your compass**. 

2- #JustForToday: Calm down mind chatter.
Just for today stick with calming down mind chatter. It’s the hardest one but with the most substantial results. You are doing awesome, keep it up!

3- #JustForToday: Commit.
Commit to integrity. Just for today, do one thing that is in alignment with the being you want to be. Be the example

4- #JustForToday: Do something for yourself and turn it into a ritual.
Just for today, take 5 min, at least, for yourself. You deserve your own attention as much as the next. Yes I am once again putting a great amount of emphasis in regards to this! Do something that makes you feel good about yourself and relaxed. This challenge is to an extra importance this time because it is used in reconnecting with ourselves and reconnecting with ourselves is, as already mentioned, leadership 101. We can’t lead if we don’t know where we are leading too.

We know where we are leading too, when we know who we are.

We know who we are, when we have found ourself.

And we find our higher self, when we are responding in accordance with the greater good for ourself and for all.

The greatest Love of them all. Take this time for yourself and turn it as a ritual, make it sacred part of your day. It’s important. So just for today, take that 5 mins for yourself and sit alone on the stairs in front of your office. Or get that 5$ iced caramel frappuccino your crazing so much and enjoy every sip. Go for that jog, put on that mascara and or eyeliner your didn’t have time to put on this morning.

**Refer to week 5 blog 12

L3 Challenge Day #3: Commit


#Commit #BabyShower #DanBarnes #GardenParty #Day3

#Challenge3: Commit

1- #JustForToday: Visualize the person you want to be.
If you still have trouble with this brake it down. Think of what kind of daughter, son, entrepreneur, teacher, mother, Lover, the kind of boss you want to be or become. Your highest self is the person that make you feel the happiest inside.

2- #JustForToday: Monitor mind chatter.
Thoughts are like seeds planted in the mind. We decide the kind of fertilizer we use. When something is repeated long enough it becomes, something psychologist like to say, the self fulling prophecy. If we constantly bombard our mind with unrealistic thoughts of negativity we self sabotage ourself. We bring our vibrational level down and in consequence attract these things or misfortune. Misfortune is in the eye of the beholder. When your better able to control your mind you’ll be able to see and even transforme misfortunes into opportunity.

3- #JustForToday: Commit
Its easy to get distracted and never finish any projects or goals we set out. A leader is able to set himself or herself a mission and plan accordingly. They do not wait around for anyone to assign them one either. They challenge themselves constantly and stick to it. This helps them build confidence, determination and integrity. Just for today set yourself a goal. The smaller the better. It could be as simple as doing the laundry. Committing to go to that yoga class. Making someone smile. Making that rude barista at your usual coffee shop feel amazing and appreciated. Commit to just one thing today and stick to it. Importantly be proud when you’ve achieved it. I even encourage you to start recording them so as to go back and remind yourself of your achievements.